Senior Cricket Returns 17th April

Senior Cricket Returns 17th April

It is finally back as we begin our season with Friendly games against Staplehurst on Saturday and Gills Green on Sunday, both at the King George field.

As is traditional at this time of year the weather will no doubt be fresh and the cricket a little rusty but we are looking forward to getting underway. Covid guidelines dictate that there will be no tea and the clubhouse will be out of bounds apart from the toilets which will be accessible from the back of the pavilion.

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all members to support the club by making themselves available as often as possible as we will once again be fielding to league sides on a Saturday and one friendly side on a Sunday. NEW MEMBERS ARE VERY WELCOME, so get anyone you can involved.

We have started our weekly net sessions on a Wednesday from 5:45pm until dark so get along and get practising.

Brough Cooper (07736053764)



We are delighted that our 2022 season with kick off with Pre-Season Nets from 23rd January.

The nets will take place in the Sports Hall at Cranbrook School from 5pm to 7pm. They will continue to the end of April excluding the Easter break.

We will be running nets for the following:

Under 11’s Hardball from 5pm to 6pm

Girls Hardball from 5pm to 6pm – This will be predominantly for girls either playing hardball cricket at school or starting this sunmmer

Under 13’s Hardball from 6pm to 7pm

Under 16’s Hardball from 6pm to 7pm

The sessions will be open to both existing and potential members. You will need to provide both your own kit and cricket ball. Please also ensure you have hand sanitizer.

Please observe all the required COVID regulations. Parents may watch from the gallery but must wear face masks.

Finally our grateful thanks go to Liz Coleman and her team at Cranbrook School for being so accommodating in these difficult times.

Simon Latham – Head of Junior Cricket