Junior Section End of Season Review

Junior Section End of Season Review

It was great to see so many of our Junior members at the end of season BBQ, a lovely way to bring to a close another successful season.

Despite Covid and the large amount of rain we all had to endure, the season has been hugely successful. Once again, for a small village cricket club, we have punched above our weight. With over 100 boys and girls across the Under 9’s, 11’s and 13’s we have once again seen large numbers of children enjoying the game of cricket and all the other bits and pieces that make Sissinghurst Cricket Club Special.

It would be impossible to cover all the achievements here, but the following deserve special mention:

The Under 9’s, once again, qualified for the Kent Kwik Cricket Finals played at Beckenham.
The Under 11’s made the final of the Weald of Kent Junior Cricket League Cup Competition, played at Sutton Valence School.
Our Girls section played their first ever competitive games for the Club with significant wins against Marden, Bells Yew Green, Beckenham and Bromley.
The Under 13’s won the Weald of Kent Junior Cricket League for the third consecutive season making history by becoming the first team to ever achieve three consecutive League titles. They were also unbeaten in the League meaning you have to go back to June 2018 for the last time a Sissinghurst Under 13 side lost a League fixture, quite incredible.

These are all fantastic achievements and speak volumes not just about the quality of the cricket the children play but also for the huge commitment made by the Team Managers, Assistant Coaches, Groundsmen, Administrators, Welfare Officers and Senior members that volunteer so much time throughout the season. I thank you all for your commitment, we could not function without you.

Our Mission Statement states there are some key fundamentals that contribute to making Sissinghurst Cricket Club a “SPECIAL” Club. These are:

Success in all age-group League and Cup competitions.
Production of excellent cricketers that fulfil their full potential as Junior members.
Enjoyment of the game for all, irrespective of ability or gender.
Continuity and quality in the coaching across all age groups.
Involvement of parents both willingly and productively in support of the age group Lead and Support Coaches and the Junior Section generally.
An active social programme that involves both parents and children in support of the Club and its stakeholders.
Legacy of junior members who go on to represent the Club’s senior sides.

There is no doubt that we have made significant progress across all these key areas this season which is fantastic. There is however still much to be achieved if we want to continue to move forward.

As mentioned, at the BBQ, our ambition is to improve our facilities with the addition of two permanent all weather net cages. The importance of this addition cannot be understated but they will not be cheap. We will therefore be using the off season to refresh our Commercial and Community Sponsorship offer with the target being to raise circa £25,000 as quickly as we can so we can get the nets constructed. More to follow on this.

In the meantime, many congratulations to you all, it has been a season to remember.

Simon Latham

Head of Junior Cricket at SCC.

Historic Day For Sissinghurst As We Field 2 Girls Teams

Historic Day For Sissinghurst As We Field 2 Girls Teams

History was made on Sunday as for the first time we fielded two all girls cricket teams.

They produced two outstanding performances against Marden.

The year 5/6s won comfortably whilst the year 7/8s took the game all the way to the wire, losing out by a margin that suggests there is much more to come.

Thank you to Simon and the team for all their hard work and we can’t wait to see the teams back out on the field.

Sissinghurst Cricket Club Seeks New Welfare Officer

For the last 15 years or so Graham (Digger) White has combined his role as our Head Groundsman with the important position as the Clubs Welfare Officer. With the passing years he has found that the responsibility of two such important roles is proving to be too much so he will be stepping down, from the role of Welfare Officer, at the end of the season.

Children are the future of our Club so it is vital that they experience cricket in a safe, friendly and enjoyable environment. Everyone involved in delivering cricket to the children has a role to play in ensuring that this is achieved. The ECB has produced an overall policy for safeguarding and protecting children which must be formally adopted by all affiliated Clubs and overseen by an elected Welfare Officer. Put simply, no Welfare Officer no children’s cricket.

We are therefore reaching out to ask, from within our own Club Membership, for applications to take on the role of Welfare Officer for Sissinghurst Cricket Club for the 2022 season and beyond. Like all the roles undertaken within the Club, this is a voluntary position. However, the Welfare Officer will receive the full support of not just the Club but the ECB and the Kent Cricket Board in both receiving the appropriate training and in overseeing the ECB’s Safe Hands Policy for safeguarding children as it relates to the Club.

 A Job Description is attached. Could I please ask that any interested parties contact either myself or Simon Latham as Head of Junior Cricket at the earliest opportunity.

 Many thanks

 Peter Smith – Chairman of Sissinghurst Cricket Club.

Sissinghurst CC Junior Section Welfare Officer Job Specifcation May 2021